Dog Kennel Vs Pet Sitter – Which is the Best Option?
If you are going away for a holiday or a business trip and you have a dog, you’ve two main options when it comes to leaving them behind. You either leave them with a pet sitter or you get in touch with a dog kennel and book a place for your dog. There are pros and cons for dog kennels and pet sitters, so let’s discuss them both.
- Dog Kennel Boarding
There are numerous advantages to leaving your pet in a kennel. But, before you choose one, it is vitally important to do some research and get referrals from people you trust. Not all dog boarding kennels were created equally, some will outshine others. If you are planning on searching for dog kennels in Sydney, make sure you focus on the places which have excellent reviews.
Price – Putting your dog in a kennel is generally cheaper than pet sitting. Pet boarding isn’t a personal service and the kennels take care of many dogs at the same time. If you put your pet into a reputable boarding centre, this will be no problem. If you’d like a bit more attention given to your dog, some dog kennel boarding centres offer VIP services.
Socialising – Another benefit of using a kennel is that your dog gets to socialise with other dogs. This is very important for their mental health. If you let your dog stay with a sitter, they’ll only have them for company.
Qualified Personnel – One big thing to remember when choosing between the two options is that you’ll be dealing with a professional handler if you go to a dog boarding kennel. They’ll have many years’ experience dealing with all kinds of dogs. The facilities in a good kennel will also be first-class.
- Pet Sitter
A pet sitter is a person who comes over to your home and looks after your pet while you are away. They can do this for one day or even for a week, depending on your needs. One of the problems with this is trust, if you don’t know them, can you trust them with your pet in your home?
Main Focus – A pet sitter only has to look after your dog, so you can be sure they’ll be the centre of attention. They’ll spend them playing and interacting with your dog, which is a positive thing.
Anxious Dogs – Some pets get nervous when they are put into a boarding kennel, although there are things you can do to help them. If you call a sitter, they don’t have to leave home, so they won’t suffer from anxiety. A sudden change of environment can cause your dog a lot of unwanted stress.
Although both options are good, dealing with a qualified dog trainer in a modern boarding kennel is the most popular choice for most. A lot of pet sitters tend to charge a high price and some of them aren’t highly qualified to look after dogs. This isn’t the case in a kennel where prices are reasonable, and all personnel are fully qualified dog handlers.